Attendance check-in tracks for any event is made simple
Jan 2018

Attendance check-in tracks for any event is made simple

In today’s time app has become critical component for an event. Showtime Event App is regularly updated with new features to offer more options to event organizers / outshine the rivals at the same time. A recent update rolled out in our Event Management mobile app is tracking events exact attendance count against the RSVP response received.

This features helps organizers to get exact attendance numbers & various other insight data for enhancing attendee experience. Apart from it event organizer can do track the following & get just–in–time information about attendees.

  • Easily track the attendees who has send positive RSPV response but fail to attend the event
  • Capture exact attendance report
    • Member reaches the event venue
    • Mobile app will pop up an alert on their presence for the event
    • If user taps YES, their attendance will be recorded in system
  • Report for each event shall be viewed in the Showtime admin panel

Event professional no longer have to rely on any attendee effort to share their attendance, with this showtime event app Organizers can automate attendance tracking at sessions, events, seminars or conference. To stay up live & do event attendance tracking count accurately contact us.

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